It is estimated that 80% of dogs have dental disease by the age of 3. Unfortunately many dogs develop significant infection and pain from dental disease. Periodental disease accumulates around the base of the teeth near the gum. This plaque build up consists of bacteria, food and proteins, which harden to form calculus. This can lead to inflamed and bleeding gums known as gingivitis.
As dental disease progresses pockets of infection can develop around the tooth, causing bad breath and rotting teeth.
Preventative dental care will help to minimise the build up of plaque and development of periodontal disease
The following are recommendations to help maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Dry food, raw meaty pieces, raw chicken necks or wings fro small dogs and larger brisket bones for big dogs
Dental Diets
Royal Canin Dental Care and Hills Canine T/D are prescription diets that help to maintain dental health.
Finger brushing the teeth
Specially designed toothbrushes for dogs. If gums and teeth are gently cleaned 2-3 times a week, this will help to prevent tartar guild up.
To teach your dog to accept brushing, first start out with some toothpaste on your finger and touch the teeth, allowing your pet to lick the paste. Gradually increase the contact time as your dog’s tolerance increases. Use lots of treats to reward your dog every step of the way.


  • Aim for 5 seconds on each tooth and brush once daily.
  • Pay particular attention to the base of the tooth, aiming for a 45° angle with the gum-line.
  • Avoid a vigorous side-to-side action that will damage the gums, gently use a circular, flicking motion along the gum-line.
  • Brush only the outside of the teeth, the tongue will take care of the inside.

Oral hygiene products
These are added to water or applied to the teeth. They contain an enzyme which inhibits bacterial growth
Regular dental checks are recommended. This is included in the yearly check-up with their vaccination.
Dental health Plans are a routine procedure performed in dogs under the age of 7, which have early dental disease. This involves a short general anaesthetic, followed by scaling and polishing your dog’ teeth. Dental Xrays are also performed, which allow us to assess the entire tooth health above and below the gum line.
If you would like to discuss your dog’s dental health with one of our veterinarians, please make an appointment for a full check- up.